The old has gone

Photo by MahPadilha

Photo by MahPadilha

Long neglected, this blog has become a dusty book dropped behind the sofa of real life. In other words, I’ve let it go. Like any mess, if I don’t look at it, it disappears from my care. I don’t mind this, you see. Letting go and moving on seems to me the most desirable action when I feel disconnected and finished with a stage of life or hobby.This blog and its years of history are being purposefully placed on the tall shelf where memories belong.

So here we are. And here I go…


aka grub. aka food.

I may never know a more pronounced dichotomy in my life as the one I experience with food. I love it, crave it, relish in its tastes and textures, spend most of my money on it, and greatly enjoy how it can bring people together. However, I also loathe its power over my body, mind, and habits; I hate what it does to my savings. My lack of self-control leads to an adverse body image, pessimistic outlook on my future health, discomfort, and social prejudice from those who dislike fat chicks.

So, what about food? It’s love/hate for me. And I think the way to turn it into Love/Love is to change myself: learn control, sacrifice, and budgeting so my portions are smaller, my wallet bigger, and my body healthier. Two major hurdles are adding excercise into my routine so I’m burning off more calories than I eat, and not splurging on fast food or meals out with friends to save money and be healthier.

Check out my inspirations for these thoughts:

One woman spent $30 in 30 days on food–starting from scratch and not spending a penny more. It’s a very interesting experiment, and her blog is a pleasurable and educational read. Read her blog.

Time Magazine did a photo essay on What the World Eats, based on this book. Not only does it give faces and visuals to cultures with which we may not be familiar, but it illustrates just how much we have and just how little we may actually need. See Part 1 and Part 2.